The defaulting is now properly implemented without unwanted side effects! * Bugfix: The SREFMap is no longer overwritten with Make sure to use the latest Blender scripts to do this. * Can Export to CN6 format for import into Blender 2.7+. * Can now open and export all models including for example 2 which wouldn't open previously. Latest Source Code - source code available on Github. Latest Blender Scripts for Nexus Buddy 2: download hereīoth Blender 2.7+ and Blender 2.49 are supported. \Firaxis\Tools folder if it does not exist.ģ) Now you should be able to run the Nexus Buddy 2 executable from wherever you have unzipped it.
Set the value to the location of your Dummy directory.
Within it create two folders one called 'Assets' (plural) and one 'Resource' (singular).Ģ) Now using Regedit create an entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Firaxis\Tools called 'ToolAssetPath'. In order to run Nexus Buddy 2 you need to perform the following steps:ġ) Create a folder called 'Dummy' somewhere on your hard drive. It allows new textures to assigned to existing models and for completely new 3D models to be imported from FBX and/or BR2 format files. Nexus Buddy 2 is a tool for importing and altering 3D Graphics in Civ 5 and Beyond Earth.